hehe i will not lie, i only read the klarion part of the seven soldiers series. i cant help it, im a klarion head. i first got into klarion because of his role on young justice, so i just had to read this which i think is one of the few klarion centric series. this klarion is a lot lot different than the tv show klarion, not only his personality but also his origin. in the show, he's a lord of chaos and not much is expanded on his origin. this series, however, does focus on his roots and he's just a witch boy from a small supernatural and underground town called limbo town, which happens to be a puritan colony still in the past. this klarion is a nathan fielder coded little guy who doesnt quite buy into the rest of the towns beliefs and wants to explore the world outside his small town. i dont quite know which version of klarion i like more, but this one is definitely more me. like this klarion is literally me fr.