mangoo's thots

life updates pt 2


lol it has been 400 years since i have worked on my site. dont fret, i have a good amount of comic reviews to make since i have finished the 1993 lobo run AND 2 ambush bug mini series, so if u wait up mommy will dish up some hot reviews. it has been my bday since i last updated so now im old as fuck. me and my boyfriend (hehe bad grammar) went to atlanta where i became a mega sonic fan through the power of sonic symphony brainwashing. we also saw some panda bears being silly. it was a great time bc i love him so much. we couldve gotten in 300 car accidents and died and it still wouldve been perfect with him lol. im also playing chao world so mayhap my first game review will come?!?!? until next time, silly babes.

game awards



life updates


this is my first real blog post, but unfortunately it will not be a long epic. that's for my next post hehe. this post is just to set up my blog and make sure i have it formatted the way i want. i kinda fell off neocities for a while due to the whimsical holiday cheer but now im back on my bullshit. i want to try and finish up my reviews page, or at least setting it up by hopefully the end of the week but we will see hehe.



i feel like snot needs more fans